Lying back I see less but feel more.
I see an infinite sky with my eyes open wide
(but that's all.)
I feel a new bride glowing with light but looking old,
I feel a city of insects looking like stars and fires
and monsters and theives and serenaders and lovers,
I feel each blade of grass acquainting itself with another,
And the wind loving them all
And the wind rustling them all
And the wind hushing them all.
Lying back I see less but know more.
I know an infinite sky sees my arms stretched out wide
(but that's all.)
I know my walls are grey and my floors are grey
except for my kitchen-wall covered in rocks and love.
I know I might be lost, I know it's getting late.
I know this clearing isn't mine,
And I shouldn't be in it at all.
But I love it most of all,
Yes, I go here most of all.
Lying back I'm seen less but I am more.
I know an infinite me is all combined
(but that's not all.)
I know my heart is true and my thoughts are pure
I know that no one will find me here that I don't want to.
I know that I could be content here,
Away from it all,
Away from them all,
Away from you all.