We speak sixteen languages at home/ we love our many animals/ travel light drink coffee slow
Travel light drink coffee slow
We cram the concrete riverbed/ with cans of beer and blue and red/ pamphlets that fall from our hands
Messing with the city plans
The rain is pittering on my window
Pit pit pit pit pit pit pit pit you know
I remember when I was a kid
Streaming on the windshield, wipers go flick flick flick
At night the lights blur and go dreamy
Thunder makes us hide between the seats
Dad still drives seventy miles an hour
But no way we'll ever outrun this heat
The rain is pittering on my window
That means the river will be high
Sometimes I go down to the end of it
Sometimes I like to go at night
The concrete river in the city
Ends in a concrete waterfall
I lay there and pretend/ That I am in/ the mountains/ and not here serving coffee to you all
I find peace there
When the seeds are sewn and the sun is set/ and I'm lying in his tiny bed/ and I touch my finger to his head
Touch him with my eyes open
Touch him with the blinds open
The rain is pittering on my window
Pit pit pit pit pit pit pit pit you know
Tapping like a voyeur in the night
Who knew that dark could be so bright
Streetlights light up the lines that draw his face
No one looks up so we are safe
And for a minute I don't have to pretend
I'm at the river again I am on the mountain
Swimming in water again