Friday, November 27, 2009


elizabeth put on her moon-walking boots when her eyes lit up and wrapped around the moon! (she became the moon)
and i stripped down to nakedness in the middle of nowhere, I felt the urge to do it and I kind of liked it, too.
the slow body of a leaf gave its knowledge to me,
said 'it's getting cold, time to clothe up or die!
but just know that this planet circles and
will close in on the sun again
in the spring, elizabeth, the sunshine and I.

the darting contact at the counter is misleading.
i know this is a quick one, but we are all human!
we all deserve respect, the server and the one served
by I and the sunshine and elizabeth.

the right side of our minds fell in love and accepted what it was-
a lack of boundary between body and mine.
is it not the goal of souls? we are so beautiful, oh so beautiful-
the grind of every day, the facts at night that keep me awake
are misunderstandings that just wait to take the lives lovingly made
and i can't believe in evil but sometimes it seems that way.
what does this mean? if i am everything, then evil lives in me-

all of these disparities drowned in cloudy coffee
avoided eye contact at the cash
cause i am you and it hurts to see yourself this way
or you look hard! cause i am you and we are everything
we are we, are not alone

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